The build phase for the show gardens officially started yesterday, so Claire Potter's latest installment about the Anniversary Show Garden is timely indeed...
The meeting went well. We had formulated a small brief, a large wish list, bantered about some ideas and eaten some very tasty sandwiches and mini cakes. Meetings are always better when taste buds are stimulated.
It was decided by the collective that Alex and I would begin the design process as we represented two thirds of the design team and both lived on the borders of East and West Sussex.
The drive back from that first meeting was fantastic – three hours of chatting and discussing the possibilities in more detail and by the time Alex and I reached the familiar sight of the South Downs, we were both confident that we knew where we were going.
But every designer is different. Even having similar thoughts might not translate into similar concepts, and our designs were always destined to be completely separate entities. How could we, and would we be able to combine both of our ideas into one design? And then what would happen when everyone else added their input?
Back at the studio I sat in front of my drawing board, fully equipped with a brain full of ideas, some pens, tracing paper and far too many biscuits. A few hours and a small pile of crumbs later, my blank sheets had been converted into a map like jumble, showing trains of thought, sketches, web links, key words and patterns. I was quite happy with the brain pouring, but how was Alex’s brain pouring going?
The next meeting was arranged and (quite nervously) I drove up country to Alex’s studio to discuss the ideas.
Tea was made and I seem to remember that biscuits and cupcakes made an appearance. We both sat down and spread our scribbles onto the table.
Similarities could be seen, sketches followed the same brain trail as the next and full of relief, we both realised that the joint design process might actually work quite well.
More scribbling, tea and discussions followed, and after a couple of hours I drove home to rejig the design, ready to combine my concept with Alex’s rejigged space in the wonder that is Computer Aided Design.
The bones were there, but what would the rest of the team think of our efforts?
The first concept design was sent to the whole design team, and Alex and I waited for the comments. Were we on the right track?
Marvellous stuff Claire, thank you. If you missed her first installment, then here it is...
Let there be wreaths!
[image: Front door Christmas wreath]
I do love a foliage wreath on our front door, and as a result I've
accumulated an enormous stash of decorative bits ...
3 weeks ago
Hi, I'll be there too, for the whole Show. I have to say that of all the shows I cover professionally Malvern beats them all. Friendly, purposeful, stunning scenic backdrop (natural) and amazing show gardens and such lovely people. Not sure how I link to show I am attending.
P.S. See my blog posting of 22nd November which shows my 'assessment' of the Malvern Autumn Gardenin Show.
Wild Somerset Child - welcome!
I'm sure the show people will love what you have to say about Malvern and I've had a quick peek at your November post.
As you're already coming to the show and you're a blogger, you're most welcome to join us in our VIP area. All you need to do is contact me via malvernmeet at gmail dot com and tell me which day(s) you're coming and your address details. I'll then ask the show people to add your name to the list and they'll arrange for your blogger pass to be sent to you.
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