I had a fantastic time at Malvern and from the posts and the buzz on Twitter I've seen so far it looks like everyone else did too. My mind's in a bit of a whirl at the moment, so I only feel capable of pulling out the odd image and a quick summary to tell you about what happened at the weekend.
Everyone else is being much better about telling you about their experiences and the show, so I'm going to hoover them up into a Mr Linky below so you can trawl through them all at your leisure. My dear fellow Malvern Meeters: do feel free add any posts of yours I've missed...
Danish trolleys are useful for some things aren't they!
First, thanks so much for organising meet@malvern; so good to meet some of you which stimulated me to create a purely gardening blog. Secondly, thanks for posting a link to the malvern bloggers blogs - at last I can catch up with them all. I hope to keep in touch.
So sorry - I've got myself inadvertently listed twice (wasn't sure whether it was my blog title or actual name that was wanted - please delete whichever is not what you intended. Ann (Grandma's Garden)
so sorry, have failed to link. Must be me doing something wrong here! Great to have the list, thank you. I do wish I had had more time to talk to you!
Thank you for linking me! I have more posts planned~ xxxxgail I miss you!!
Thanks soooooo much for organising everything! It was really fantastic! I am preparing my post... need to get back my head, which is filled completely will all beauty your country is blessed with.
Rosie - welcome! They certainly are ;)
WSC - Good to meet you at Malvern and I look forward to seeing your published articles. I've edited and edited to your entries on Mr Linky so that there's a link to each of your posts on your shiny new blog :)
Elizabthm - likewise! I've added a link to your post
Gail - miss you too! I look forward to seeing the rest of your posts
Ewa - it was a pleasure and great to meet you at last. I'm wondering how many of your photos we'll get to see...
Ooops, my last post is up there twice, I didn't see you had added it. Sorry! Can it be removed?
Frances - your wish is my command :)
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